ANGUSalive backs “Seriously Social” Campaign
We are pleased to be taking part in the “Seriously Social” campaign, which starts today (Monday 27 May).
Community Leisure UK has launched a week dedicated to all those who work as a Charitable Trust & Social Enterprise – just like ourselves – delivering public leisure and culture. It is a week of showcasing the work that organisations like us do to create social impact and change. Every day we’ll celebrate a different theme about how they help create social impact and create happier, healthier communities.
Social enterprises and community trusts, along with others in the Community Leisure UK network are a key part of the social economy, supporting people above profit whilst connecting communities – helping people to become healthier, happier and more creative, regardless of age or ability. We have been committed to that since our inception in 2015.
We manage all sorts of facilities and services, both big and small, including everything you see from our delivery across Angus – from swimming pools, gyms, libraries, to a range of community services, walking programmes, supporting people with long-term conditions, all the way to our cultural offering in our museums and theatre spaces. Others in the Community Leisure network offer similar programmes.
But we all have one thing in common, and that is that we are not-for-profit organisations and here to serve the community we operate in, putting the people first.
Iain Stevens, acting CEO of ANGUSalive commented on the initiative “It’s a really important message that Community Leisure UK, through their Seriously Social campaign are delivering this week and one we’re really keen to get behind. We are passionate about the people we serve, particularly at what is a challenging time for organisations like ourselves. It is, however, important to remember that as a not-for-profit organisation, every single penny profit generated is placed back in to the community. Whether you use any of our services such as being a bACTIVE member, take in a show at one of our venues, or contribute through our donations platform, you are choosing to reinvest back in to the Angus community. This campaign will help highlight some of the incredible work our talented team deliver across Angus.”
What is Seriously Social?
Seriously Social is a social impact marketing campaign developed to shift the perception of Charitable Trusts and Social Enterprises from deliverers of public leisure and culture to deliverers of social good, this is about defining our members role as part of the social economy and celebrating the social value our sector brings by putting people above profit. The messaging and collateral have been developed for use by Community Leisure UK at a national level and for members to use locally. They have been developed with local authorities’ priorities and national political manifestos in mind.
For more information about Seriously Social and the impact Community Leisure UK has, please visit