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Museums & Galleries

All 3 of our museums are open. Please see specific museum for up-to-date opening times.

Come and Visit our Museums & Galleries

If you would like to learn about life as a lighthouse keeper on a remote, wave-lashed rock in the North Sea, or uncover the story of James Graham, the Marquis of Montrose, if you wonder about the impact of the Forfar witch hunts, or if you are fascinated by art and sculpture, then come and visit our Museums & Galleries.

ANGUSalive Museums are also a great source of tourist information, and we are proud to be a Visit Scotland information partner, our teams have insider knowledge of local walks, trails and neighbouring attractions of Angus, so pop in and find out more.

All of the ANGUSalive Museums & Galleries have free admission.

Museum & Galleries

Discover our Museums & Galleries, home to fascinating collection of museum objects and artworks.


Our ANGUSalive permanent exhibitions bring to life the different characters and fascinating histories of each of our towns.

Visual Arts

ANGUSalive cares for an extensive collection of fine art for the people of Angus and our visitors.

Museum Collection

For the first time ever, you can view our rich Angus history at the click of a button in our online collections.

World Cultures Collection

The Collections Team are embarking on a project to delve into ANGUSalive’s World Cultures collection.

Group Visits

We offer a range of visiting options for groups, including self-guided visits, museum tours and behind the scene visits. School and educational visits also available.

Venue Hire

No matter what you're looking to hold, our museums and galleries can accommodate your every need making it the perfect venue for your event!

Donating to the Collection

Do you think that you have an object that would fit in one of our museum collections?

ANGUSalive Art UK Shop

Want to adorn your home with Old Master paintings or beautiful views of Angus?

Museums, Galleries & Archives Charges

Whilst all the ANGUSalive Museums & Galleries have free admission, there are charges for the use of some facilities. Learn more by clicking the button below.
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