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Loch, Stock, & Angus Grill + Larder: Tasty food on its way to Forfar Loch!

ANGUSalive is thrilled to announce that visitors to Forfar Loch will now be able to enjoy delicious, locally sourced food from the highly regarded Angus Grill + Larder.

Starting this Saturday (12 October), you can expect the AG+L to be serving up a scrumptious menu – including churros, woohoo! – ideal for you as you take in a stroll around the loch.

Even better news for ANGUSalive bACTIVE members, the AG+L team will extend the bACTIVE benefits perk with 10% discount off all purchases. Simply flash your digital membership card in your app to access this offer!

(And yes, the coffee is hot and just the thing you need through these Autumnal months!)

If you’re in Forfar this weekend, make sure you pop by!

Campbell Archibald, owner of Angus Grill + Larder, said about the new launch: “We are absolutely delighted to bring AG+L food to such a beautiful spot in the heart of Forfar. We are passionate about our Angus community and look forward to welcoming locals and visitors alike. We’re especially pleased to offer a little something extra for ANGUSalive bACTIVE members and confident that we’re catering for everyone – we can’t wait to get started”

Angus Grill & Larder opened their restaurant in January 2022 and is situated just off the A90 near Brechin. They offer a contemporary menu using locally sourced food and have since gone on to cater at pop up events throughout the country. You can learn more about AG + L here.

Angus Grill & Larder will be at Forfar Loch for this weekend and next (Sat 12 and Sat 19) before taking a two week break for holidays. They will then return in November.

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