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forfar witches walk

The Forfar Witches Story: A Guided Walk

The Forfar Witches Story: A Guided Walk

Delve into Forfar’s dark past and explore the story of the Forfar Witches in this guided walk.

The Forfar Witch Trials, which took place between 1661-1663, involved 42 of the town’s inhabitants, who were imprisoned and tortured on suspicion of witchcraft. 22 women were found guilty of the crime and executed over the three-year period.

The walk will begin at the Forfar Witches mural located to the rear of Forfar Library in the Myre carpark. We will then pass through connected sites on the streets of Forfar and will end the walk at the Meffan Museum & Art Gallery.

The walk will last about 1 hour and this will include time for questions.

Wheelchair accessible.


Location: Forfar Meffan Museum

Address: 20 W High St, Forfar, DD8 1BB

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The Forfar Witches Story: A Guided Walk  

Events Times

20/06/2023 - 18:00 - 19:00

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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