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Angus Creatives Sightlines Fran Marquis

Angus Festival of Makers – Sightlines

Angus Festival of Makers – Sightlines

Sightlines, an Angus Creatives exhibition at Arbroath Signal Tower Museum

The Signal Tower was the only means of communicating with the  iconic Bell Rock lighthouse and as its name suggests the primary function was to be a tool of visual communication. This exhibition explores ways in which we send and receive messages today using photography/ceramics/recycled plastic/sound and  draws on the collections of Angus Council managed by Angus Alive, Museums, Galleries and Archives. Split across all areas of the museum it provides a thought provoking intervention in the museum for the summer season; inviting people to think about the connections between the natural and human world.

Fran Marquis (Ceramics)

Jeni Reid  (Photography /Recycled Plastics)

Adam Geary (Photography)

Georgie Sampson (Ceramics)

Information on Sightlines – Workshop and Talk


Location: Signal Tower Museum

Address: Signal Tower Museum, Arbroath, DD11 1PU

Angus Festival of Makers - Sightlines  

Events Times

06/04/2024 - 31/08/2024 - 10:30 - 16:00

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