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Venue Hire Terms and Conditions

  1.        Venues include libraries, museums, archives, Webster Memorial Theatre, town halls, sports centres, swimming pools and country parks.
  2.        It is the responsibility of the hirer to check that the venues are suitable for their needs before applying. Special attention should be given where young children are to frequent the premises as part of the hire. Particular attention to the condition of heating, electrical appliances and kitchen areas should be noted.
  3.        Maximum permitted numbers must be strictly adhered to.
  4.        All items of electrical equipment brought into any ANGUSalive facility must carry a valid and current Portable Appliance Test certificate or validation.
  5.        The hirer will be responsible for ensuring that any persons operating electrical or mechanical equipment are competent to do so with full regard to health and safety matters. Fire precautions must be observed with regard to equipment used.
  6.        The hirer must complete a risk management checklist along with a booking application together with any requested documentation before a booking can be confirmed.
  7.        For major/one off events the hirer must hold public liability insurance with a minimum indemnity of £5 million and shall forward evidence of such cover to ANGUSalive. Exemptions to this would be private hires by individuals eg wedding receptions and birthday parties and hires which are community based and do not involve a large number of participants such as indoor bowling, tea dances, bridge clubs etc.
  8.        The hirer will be responsible for securing any permits required for the performances of copyright work. ANGUSalive will not be liable for any damage and expenses claimed by person or company as the consequence of the performance of copyright work for which the user did not obtain a permit from Performing Rights Society or any appropriate licensing body.
  9.        Photography and filming at exclusive use for parties, functions and events is permitted. The hirer is responsible for the control of such photography and filming and will comply with ANGUSalive’s photography and filming policies.
  10.        We have installed CCTV systems in some of our premises used by members of the public for the purposes of public and staff safety or crime prevention or detection. CCTV is also installed on the outside of some of our buildings for the purposes of monitoring building security and crime prevention and detection.  Please refer to the ANGUSalive Privacy Statement available on our website for more information.
  11.        Where alcohol is to be sold the hirer will be responsible for obtaining the relevant licence.
  12.        Any equipment required must be included in the “Other Requirements” part of the booking form. The hirer cannot bring equipment into the facility unless prior approval is given.
  13.        The hirer must include sufficient time in the booking period for set up and dismantling of equipment.
  14.        The hirer should give ANGUSalive at least two weeks’ notice of their requested booking date although bookings may be accommodated at short notice. Requested dates and/or times cannot always be guaranteed.
  15.        For community bookings, once the hirer receives confirmation of booking availability and price, a 50% non-refundable deposit, together with the required documentation, will be required within seven days to secure the booking. Full payment must be made at least 14 days in advance of the hire date or the booking may be forfeited.
  16.        For standard bookings, once the hirer receives confirmation of booking availability and price, full payment, together with the required documentation, will be required within seven days to secure the booking.
  17.        Failure to make payment for bookings will result in cancellation and may jeopardise future bookings.
  18.        If the hire is cancelled less than a month from the hire date it will result in a 100% charge being made, within four to eight weeks a 50% charge will be made and over 2 months a £25.00 charge for administration will be made.
  19.        Failure to honour bookings on a regular basis may result in cancelling the remaining bookings for the block.
  20.        Providers must give at least seven days written notice to cancel a booking. If this is not received our cancellation arrangements will apply.
  21.        Approved Providers can apply for an advanced block booking for six month’s duration. Booking periods are October – March and April – September. The application form must be submitted four weeks in advance. All provider block bookings should be made through the Community Sport Team.
  22.        Providers will be invoiced monthly, in arrears, for payment of bookings.
  23.        Times requested for the booking must be strictly adhered to and areas must be vacated by the stipulated times.
  24.        It is the sole responsibility of the hirer to ensure that no criminal or fraudulent activity occurs in or on or at ANGUSalive venues during the period of the hire.
  25.        ANGUSalive has no responsibility for the activities of persons using or visiting ANGUSalive venues during the period of hire and therefore hirers should ensure they have taken any steps necessary to ensure propriety and authentication of any use or goods made available.
  26.        The hirer shall appoint a competent and responsible person who shall be present and in charge during the entire period of use. The hirer will also be responsible for arranging an adequate number of competent persons for supervisory duties, who shall take appropriate action to safeguard the health and safety of all participants. Efficient door control must be maintained at all doorways leading to and from the premises to ensure that free egress by the various exits is maintained during the period of use.
  27.        The competent person must acquaint themselves with the fire procedures in respect of the position and use of fire appliances. Person(s) in charge must familiarise themselves with escape routes from the area of the hire and check that there are no obstructions present. They must ensure there are no obstructions inside and outside the fire exits in the area of the let.
  28.        The competent person will be responsible where alcohol is to be brought in and consumed in venues. This will include the control of underage and irresponsible drinking.
  29.        The hirer will be responsible for checking the condition of equipment used during their booking and also for reporting any issues to a facility employee. The Hirer may be liable for any damage caused to the building/equipment identified after their rental of the space
  30.        The hirer will be responsible for arranging the disposal of all glass and plastic and other recycle materials that cannot be contained within the facility bins.
  31.        The hirer must remove all items of display and decoration brought into the facility. The Hirer may be liable for any damage caused to the walls/decoration identified after their rental of the space.
  32.        The hirer will be responsible for clearing and cleaning the kitchen and bar facilities at the end of their booking and should make reasonable effort to return the hired space to the condition they were found in.
  33.        Pitches/grass areas must be inspected prior to any matches/events taking place by match officials and/or coaches who should permit use only if they are deemed suitable and safe for use.  Soil will be made available for teams/clubs to infill rabbit holes. If grass areas are deemed unplayable by match officials and/or coaches – please report this to ANGUSalive who will raise issues with Angus Council Parks Department.
  34.        Use of the any facility shall be granted at the discretion of ANGUSalive. ANGUSalive reserves the right to cancel, change or cut short any hire for any reason, including if an event is improperly managed or where the health and safety of participants, staff or the public are in danger.
  35.        All hires are subject to ANGUSalive Facilities Management Rules.
  36.        All complaints or enquiries should in the first instance be directed to a venue employee.
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