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Lesley Matthews

Operational Lead

Lesley started working for Angus District Council back in Jan 1988, based in Forfar Library which was where the Meffan Museum is now. By March 1988 it had moved into its current location – just up the road. She spent a few years there before taking up a new post in Library Support Services, though again she didn’t go far it was only downstairs!

27 years went by in a flash and in 2015, with the transition to charitable trust ANGUSalive, she was excited to move into her new post as Rural and Home Delivery Services Officer. Lesley has always been passionate about providing the best service to those who are more socially isolated and vulnerable. Lesley said:

“Now we had far more opportunity to develop our Mobile Library service. It was an exciting time; I completed my first funding bid securing the purchase of two new vans and visited Belfast to be involved in their design. I learnt a great deal in those four years and I couldn’t have done it without the team I had around me.”

It remains one of her proudest moments introducing mobile library vans, Isla and Glen, to the ANGUSalive family.

Lesley’s current role is Operational Lead for Forfar and Kirriemuir libraries, she said:

“I have truly come full circle. If you had told me as a 21-year-old that one day I’d be given the opportunity to be back running that same library I would never have believed it. I am now blessed with two great teams around me and I’m excited to see where the road will take me next.”

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