The Angus Sport and Physical Activity Framework
The Planning Partnership has been in place since the start of 2020 and its members have been responsible for driving forward development of the Angus Sport and Physical Activity Framework throughout the pandemic.
A Unique Collaboration
The Angus Sport and Physical Activity Planning Partnership is a unique collaboration involving the following partners:
- ANGUSalive
- Angus Council
- NHS Tayside
- Sportscotland
- Dundee and Angus College
- Third sector agencies
A Framework for Change
The framework has been structured around the Scottish Government’s Active Scotland Outcomes and will directly contribute to the strategic priorities in the Angus Community Plan, striving to achieve the vision that Angus is a place where an active life is accessible for all. All partners have agreed that the overarching aim of this work is to reduce inequalities and maximise shared resources using a targeted approach where appropriate. The Framework directly contributes to the main priorities in the Angus Community Plan, of reducing child poverty, improving mental health and wellbeing, and improving accessibility and connectivity in the communities of Angus.
The Partnership has worked to identify areas of strength within our current work and future potential opportunities in relation to each Active Scotland Outcome. The framework identifies local outcomes and commitments for promoting opportunities around physical activity and sport in our population. Whilst different partners are taking the lead in developing and implementing different aspects of the framework, it’s success relies on all partners fulfilling a commitment to their part in each of the outcomes.
Across Angus the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has brought significant changes and challenges to our local communities. Whilst there have been many challenges, for some this period has also brought opportunity, with new ways to be active, and news way to engage with others. The Planning Partnership believe the Sport and Physical Activity Framework can support the development of sport and physical activity moving on from the pandemic.
A Sport and Physical Activity Framework for Angus
Angus Sport and Physical Activity Framework – Annual Review 2022
Angus Sport and Physical Activity Framework – Annual Review 2023
Support Us
ANGUSalive is the culture, sport & leisure trust for the county of Angus.