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Term Time Activities & Events

Term Time Activities

We have a range of opportunities for people of all ages and levels of ability to take part in.

Before you head along to an activity, please get in touch to discuss which opportunities would be most suitable for you.


We have a range of events for people of all ages and levels of ability to take part in.

Before you head along to an event, please get in touch to discuss which opportunities would be most suitable for you.

You can also view our timetable of events.


Volunteering is the lifeblood of what we do. A strong pool of volunteers enables us to gain new ideas, support activities and athletes across the Angus area and provide high-quality competitive and recreational opportunities for our athletes.

Volunteering with us offers a range of benefits including gaining nationally-recognised qualifications and experience across a range of sporting opportunities in an uplifting and fun-filled environment. No experience or qualifications are needed – just an interest in sport and a passion for making a difference to people with disabilities.

Coaching & Education

ANGUSalive, Angus Disability Sport and parent body Scottish Disability Sport organise a series of workshops/courses in Angus and Tayside throughout the year in addition to those provided nationally.

Please note sometimes there is a restriction on who can attend but in most instances they are open to all interested parties.

For more workshop or coaching information please view the link below or get in touch.

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