1:1 Coach Support
We encourage and support individuals to participate in activities by building support that is shaped around them, to help achieve their goals and wishes. This support is all about the individual and by working together with them or their family/carers we make this a support that works for them.
Supporting development
We support individuals to:
- Identify and select the activities they prefer
- Try new activities
- Identify the support they require to enable them to participate in the activity they prefer
- Manage any risks associated with the activity
Encouraging participation
We seek and acquire further information and support that could enable individuals to participate in the activity they prefer, taking account of any anticipated changes that may affect their ability to participate in the future.
Where individuals are having difficulties participating we encourage them to continue seeking additional support, where appropriate.
How we evaluate
We encourage and support individuals to review the value of the activity.
We work with individuals, key people and others to identify:
- How the individual’s participation in the activity should be reviewed
- Who will be involved in the review
- How the information about the review will be handled
We support and encourage individuals to identify and communicate:
- The benefits of the activity
- Any necessary and preferred changes