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Be Active…Live Well Privacy Notice

Referral Form Consent

I understand I am completing a referral request to the Be Active…Live Well exercise referral programme and completion of this form gives consent to this information being passed on to and recorded by ANGUSalive.

I understand my details will be stored on a secure database system in an appropriate confidential manner. I agree to be contacted by letter, email, telephone and SMS text message.

I understand that completing a referral request does not indicate I am automatically accepted onto the Be Active…Live Well programme and that eligibility will be discussed with the Health & Wellbeing Advisor.

Please note: although you have completed the self-referral form, we still may request additional information from your GP / specialist Health Care Professional for certain medical conditions. This would be discussed with you before a request is made.

ANGUSalive and Your Privacy

ANGUSalive is the ‘Data Controller’ of the personal data you provide to us. We collect personal data about you including name, date of birth and contact information.  We also collect information on your health conditions, medication and GP practice.

This information is used to help plan your activity programme and to contact you about appointments and classes.

We may share your data where necessary with Angus Health & Social Care Partnership and NHS Tayside.  We may also share your data, with your permission, to another local programme.

Your information will also be used for statistical purposes and reporting to funders with all statistical data remaining anonymous.

Your personal information is held on servers within the European Economic Area (EEA) and processed by our staff and our trusted information system service providers in the UK.  No third parties have access to your personal data unless permitted by law.

ANGUSalive maintains data protection controls in line with the General Data Protection Regulation, other data protection legislation and its own Information Security Policy to ensure the effective and secure processing of your personal information.

You can find more information about how we handle and retain your personal information as well as your rights in our privacy statement which is available at our facilities and on our website at

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