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Countryside Adventure Activities Terms and Conditions

  1. By booking onto any of our activities, you agree to these terms and conditions.
  2. Participants must arrive 20 minutes prior to any paddle or wind sports session.
  3. Participants should be water confident and must be able to fit into an ANGUSalive standard issue buoyancy aid.
  4. Outdoor Adventure Activities may have an inherent risk to cause physical injury.
  5. Participants should be of an appropriate standard of fitness and health to participate in activities.
  6. Instructors must be notified of any medical conditions, illnesses or injuries prior to the activity and participants should have any relevant treatment on person or within reasonable accessible distance.
  7. Instructors will only be able to assist participants if instructions are followed carefully. Any behaviours that lie out with the guidance of professionals may cause injury to participants/others and may lead to the activity to be terminated.
  8. ANGUSalive accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any personal items.
  9. Participants involved in Outdoor Adventure Activities must be at the minimum age of five years old and must also be able to fit into a standard ANGUSalive issued buoyancy aid if on/in water.
  10. Participants involved in Outdoor Environmental Activities must be at the minimum age of three years old.
  11. All parents/guardians of participants in pre-school activity must be contactable at all times.
  12. Anyone under the age of 18 must have consent from parents/guardians.
  13. All participants must be appropriately dressed for activities undertaken including closed toe shoes.
  14. All Personal Protective Equipment supplied by ANGUSalive has been checked on a regular basis and must be worn throughout the session if required.
  15. Participants under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs will not be permitted onto the activity and will not be entitled to a refund.
  16. If any participants choose to stop participating for any reason, the instructor should be made aware of this.
  17. Once a booking has been made and paid, refunds will only be issued if ANGUSalive has cancelled the activity.
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