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Coronavirus COVID-19

Update 19 April 2022

You can view the latest services on offer from ANGUSalive by viewing the service pages across our website and a summary via the drop downs below.

Although the legal requirement to wear face coverings in indoor public places and public transport became guidance on Monday 18 April 2022, the Scottish Government has advised the public to carry on taking sensible precautions to further reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Throughout the pandemic ANGUSalive’s priority has been to protect its employees and the public.

Therefore, in accordance with the the Scottish Government Guidance, ANGUSalive is strongly recommending employees, customers and visitors to continue to wear face coverings in our venues.

You can view what we are doing to keep you safe via our Staying Safe information below.

Our sports centres and community campuses are open.

You can view the opening hours here.

We’re delighted to say most of our services have resumed therefore please take a look at our timetables page or call your local sports centre for information.

Everyone attending our fitness suites should read and follow the below guidance:

  • We recommend you book and pay for your sessions either online in advance, via the app or book and pay over the telephone in advance, we will also accept walk-in bookings if spaces are available.
  • Please use paper towel and spray provided to wipe down equipment before and after each use and dispose of paper towels in the bins ​located in the fitness areas, halls or classes.
  • Our water dispensing units are in use for bottle fill only.
  • Please do not put away class equipment until asked to do so by the coach.
  • Please contact your sports centre for information on changing rooms.

Swimming Pool Guidance

Please be aware of the new Covid-secure process for arriving and exiting our pools.

  • We recommend customers book and pay for sessions either online, via the app or over the phone prior to visiting the pool, however we will accept walk-in bookings if spaces are available.
  • Changing rooms and changing villages are opened, please limit your time to help us maintain hygiene standards.
  • Customers will be asked to remove outdoor shoes when on poolside but are welcome to change into clean indoor shoes such as flip flops.
  • Hairdryers and mirrors are in use.
  • By downloading our ANGUSalive app you’ll be able to manage your bookings for gym, swim or fitness classes. You can view the timetables, book and cancel sessions at the touch of a button.

You can also join the online ANGUSalive membership via the app for Live Streaming and On Demand classes. Live Stream and On Demand are included with bACTIVE membership from 1 December 2021.

To find out more visit our ANGUSalive App page.

Our country parks at Monikie, Crombie and Forfar Loch have suffered damage due to the winter storms.

Care should be taken when visiting the parks as remedial works are ongoing. Please avoid the wooded areas which are currently hazardous due to the storm damage.

Crombie Country Park is currently impassable and visitors are advised to walk elsewhere.

Glen Doll car park is open, however there is still a large number of fallen trees across all Forestry and Land Scotland waymarked trails and most mountain access routes.

The following waymarked trails remain closed:

  • South Esk Trail
  • Corrie fee Trail
  • Dounalt Trail
  • Whitewater Trail

Access to the open hill is possible in some areas.

It is now possible to walk up the Moulzie track to Bachnagairn to access the climbing on JuanJorge (subject to nesting Raptors) or the open hill up to Broad Cairn, Cairn Bannoch and beyond.

This is the ONLY trail that is accessible, therefore you’ll have to come back the same way. You won’t be able to come back via Loch Esk down Jock’s Road, or Corrie Fee, the forest is impassable in these areas.

It is also possible to access the climbing in Winter Corrie.

The Kilbo path is now considered to be an accessible route up to Mayer and Driesh but there is one section of fallen trees in the upper forest in Corrie Kilbo (just after the stepping stones) that should be avoided. There is an easy detour around the outside of the forest (300metres) which will bring you back onto the path again. This not only avoids the fallen trees but also the muddy ground in there.

To find details of all our events on at our Country Parks visit our what’s on page.

The Signal Tower Museum in Arbroath, Forfar’s Meffan Museum & Art Gallery, Montrose Museum & Art Gallery, Brechin Town House Museum and Kirriemuir Gateway to the Glens Museum are all open (subject to opening hours).

Angus Archives is now open for appointments. Opening hours 10am – 4 pm, Thursday to Saturday.

All our libraries in Angus are open.

The ANGUSalive mobile libraries and home delivery service continue to offer services to rural communities and customers who find it difficult to visit libraries in-person.

Face-to-face ACCESS services continue to be available across all libraries.

In addition, popular children’s and adults group sessions have returned to libraries. You can find out more on our What’s On page

Our Webster Theatre is open and you can find out what shows are on by visiting our What’s On page.

Please bear with the Theatre team as they deal with e-mails, phone calls and visitors. They will be in touch with everyone concerned as soon as possible regarding their booking.

To view all events taking place at the Webster visit

Keeping our Customers and Colleagues Safe

We are continually following Scottish Government guidance to ensure we take all the necessary steps to protect the safety, health and wellbeing of our employees and customers.

Help us all stay safe by following the guidance below to combat COVID-19.

When visiting our venues please follow the below guidance to keep customers and colleagues safe:

  • We advise face coverings to be worn (no requirement for face coverings when exercising).
  • At our Sport & Leisure venues, please book and pay for your sessions and activities in advance online via the app or over the phone.
  • If you are unable to book and pay in advance please pay via a contactless transaction. Cash will be accepted but we would like to keep this to a minimum.
  • Where hygiene stations are provided please use sanitiser upon entry and exit.
  • We ask that if you have been displaying symptoms of COVID-19 or living with someone who has been displaying symptoms of COVID-19 that you do not use our venues and follow government guidance.

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our customers and employees we will:

  • Provide hand sanitiser stations, paper towels and cleaning solutions.
  • Clean equipment regularly.
  • Address the ventilation requirements in accordance with the current guidance.
  • Follow all government advice in making our facilities as safe as possible for our customers.

In addition, detailed risk assessments are carried out in advance of occupying any of our buildings and part of the planning of service delivery.

Risk assessments will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis as guidance and restrictions change. These may ease, or other restrictions may be reintroduced, depending on the level of virus within our community.

Everyone attending our fitness suites should read and follow the below guidance:

  • We recommend you book and pay for your sessions either online in advance, via the app or book and pay over the telephone in advance, we will also accept walk-in bookings if spaces are available.
  • Please use paper towel and spray provided to wipe down equipment before and after each use and dispose of paper towels in the bins ​located in the halls or classes.
  • Please do not leave the class early or put away equipment until asked to do so by the coach.
  • Please contact your sports centre for information on changing rooms.

Please be aware of the new Covid-secure process for arriving and exiting our pools.

  • Customers must book and pay for sessions either online, via the app or over the phone prior to visiting the pool.
  • Where use of changing rooms and changing villages are permitted, please limit your time to help us maintain hygiene standards.
  • Customers will be asked to remove outdoor shoes when on poolside but are welcome to change into clean indoor shoes such as flip flops.

Thanks again for your cooperation!

To ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and those attending our theatre and venues:

  • Enhanced cleaning protocols are in place.
  • Provision of anti-bacterial hand sanitiser stations throughout the venue.
  • Contactless payments/tickets preferred.
  • Staff fully trained in current guidelines.
  • Full and comprehensive ventilation protocols.

In addition to these measures other procedures will remain in the short term but will be closely monitored. These include:

  • The wearing of face coverings is recommended in our venues.
  • Encourage all to respect other people’s personal space.
  • Vaccinations are recommended.
  • Bar areas are open – pre-ordering for the interval is recommended.
  • While we endeavor to contact all customers regarding changes to scheduled dates, it is good practice to check the What’s On page to ensure there have been no changes to your booked show before leaving home.
  • We suggest you arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the performance to arrange refreshments. Payment by card is encouraged.
  • Audiences are asked to remain seated after the performance and will be directed by the front of house team on where they will exit the auditorium.
  • Refrain from attending if you are unwell, have Covid-19 symptoms or have been contacted by NHS Scotland Test and Protect in the last 14 days.
  • Box Office will open 1 hour prior to performances and at the opening hours found here.

All of our procedures are designed to keep everyone safe and ensure that our audiences can enjoy their visit. Please respect our staff during your visit as they implement the measures we have put in place to support everyone’s wellbeing.

If you need further information prior to your visit, please email us at If you require help during your visit, please speak to a member of staff.

Thank you for your support and cooperation.

*safety signage provided by The Astute Group

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