ANGUSalive Libraries Secure Better World Book Funding
Some fantastic news for our Libraries as Christine Sharp, Adult & Community Libraries Lead, successfully secured funding from Better World Books which has been used to establish our Cost-of-Living collection.
Christine said, “When we got the chance to apply to Better World Books for a literacy grant, we immediately thought of buying a collection of books to help our readers budget, save and spend more effectively during this period of inflated costs.
We were delighted that Better World Books liked our idea and awarded us the money. We have now been able to buy a range of books covering everything from family finances, cooking on a budget, doing basic household and DIY repairs, growing your own fruit and veg to upcycling clothes and furniture.
This collection is proving very popular with our readers, and we are delighted to be able to help!”
Ginger Patton-Schmitt, EVP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, and Executive Sponsor of the Better World Books Literacy Council said of the project “Better World Books is thrilled to provide local literacy grants to such a wide variety of deserving projects. Each project is unique in its particular focus and aligned with our corporate mission, and each is focused on making an impact with regard to access to information and to literacy.”
You can browse our Cost-of-Living collection HERE.
You can read the full Better World Books article HERE.