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Our Commitment to Customers

ANGUSalive has a clear focus on customer service excellence. We will:

  • treat you politely and with respect
  • be friendly and approachable
  • listen to what you have to say
  • respect your right to confidentiality
  • be open and accountable
  • give you the information you need about our services
  • give you choice in how you access services
  • do all we can to keep waiting times to a minimum
  • value and respect the diversity of our customers and try to meet the needs of customers with specific requirements
  • work in partnership with other organisations and communities to improve our services
  • learn from your compliments, comments and complaints

We will do our best to understand and resolve any issues. We aim to resolve complaints at the initial point of contact.

What We Expect from Customers

ANGUSalive has respect for all its customers and in return we expect you to:

  • treat us politely and with respect
  • be patient.
  • not use aggressive behaviour or inappropriate language provide us with the
  • information we need to help you
  • be on time and let us know if you need to cancel a booking
  • let us know if you need an interpreter or information in other formats

We will not accept behaviour that is abusive or threatening or which our employees or other customers consider to be upsetting or socially unacceptable for any reason.

We therefore reserve the right to refuse to serve anyone who does not act in accordance with this Charter and may ask the customer to leave the premises. If the behaviour is repeated on a future occasion the customer will be asked to leave again and further action will be considered.

Our Mission

With a clear focus on customer service excellence and continuous improvement, our engaged workforce will deliver innovative services providing opportunities for all people to connect with the richness of activity available in Angus.

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